A Prayer of St Columba - SATB
A Prayer of St Columba - SATB
Compositie voor koor-satb en orgel | Muziek: Lennart Moree | Tekst: St Columba | Gepubliceerd: 2017 | Duur: ca. 3 minuten | 4 pagina's | 25,0x17,6 mm | Code: 201703030 | Let op: levering in PDF

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Compositie voor koor-satb en orgel | Muziek: Lennart Moree | Tekst: St Columba (521-597) | Gepubliceerd: 2017 | Duur: ca. 3 minuten | 4 pagina's | 25,0x17,6 mm | Code: 201703030 | 

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Voor SATB & orgel


Tekst: St Columba.
Be a bright flame before me, O God
a guiding star above me.
Be a smooth path below me,
a kindly shepherd behind me
today, tonight, and for ever.
Alone with none but you, my God
I journey on my way;
what need I fear when you are near,
O Lord of night and day?
More secure am I within your hand
than if a multitude did round me stand.